• accessor method accessor表示两个方法,一个叫做getter用于获取,另一个叫做setter用于设置。 getter形式为 - (type)name, setter形式为-(void)setName。 accessor method represents two method. one is getter and the other is setter. the method of getter defaults as ‘-(type)name and setter defaults as -(void)setName

  • @property @property 生成 instance variable 和 accessor。 @property makes instance variable (ivar) and accessor

  • @synthesize @synthesize与@property配对,提供将@proerty与成员变量绑定的功能,即指定@property的inistance variable为特定的成员变量。 synthesize prepairs @property.in @synthesize the ivar can bind a class member, @syntax property-name=ivar-name

  • atomic atomic的意思是读和写是原子操作,但是线程安全要保证同时读写数据不会出错,所以atomic无法保证。本质就是在getter和setter加入一个锁,赋值或取值前锁定,结束后解除。nonatomic/atomic 原子操作,但不能保证线程安全,默认为atomic,常用为nonatomic。 nonatomic/atomic is atomic operation. this does not gurantee the safe-thread. default value is atomic.atomic means the reading and writing are atomic each,but the safe-thread requests reading and writing in the same time do not case the problem. the atomic add the lock in getter and setter.

  • readonly/readwrite 读写或只读,本质就是生成getter和setter或者只生成getter readwrite makes the getter and setter and the readonly makes the only getter.

  • weak/strong(assgin/retaine) copy weak/strong in ARC, weak means assgin in setter, strong means reference count draining in setter(complite manages automatic reference count). assgin/reatin in MRC are deprecated now. copy means using copy in setter. weak/strong作为ARC自动引用计数时代,weak本质是setter内直接赋值,strong本质是setter时增加引用计数(引用计数由编译器,编译时增加)(assign/retain 为MRC手动引用计数时代的标志,已经被淘汰) copy 表示setter中使用copy方式

  • dotsyntax dotsyntax本质是转化为 getter 和 setter dotsyntax means sending getter or setter message.

标签: objc, cocoa
日期: 2016-02-26 17:30:06, 8 years and 324 days ago



ffmpeg -i input -vn output.mp3

-vn 不需要视频 no video


ffmpeg -i input -acodec copy -vcodec copy -s 800x600 output

-s scale 压缩后大小

标签: ffmpeg, video
日期: 2016-02-02 17:30:06, 8 years and 348 days ago